London Wall Place is a commercial development comprised of two separate office buildings. Measom completed works in both buildings simultaneously, building 1 was a shell and core whereas building 2 was a category A fit out. Overall across both buildings we completed the drylining, ceilings & suspended ceilings, fire stopping and the fitting of approximately 900 prefab doors used to access the services.
The key challenge of the London Wall development was coordinating the build of 2 different buildings being run independently from each other with separate site teams to meet the programmes on both buildings. To achieve the right balance for both of the buildings, there was sometimes a need to move site teams and materials from one building to the other. This meant moving toolboxes over the road, as there was limited access between the two buildings. To do this safely we moved any materials over the road in the late evening or on the weekend to cause minimum disruption.
An unexpected challenge we encountered on this project was working with a whole new team. When London Wall started, Del Stowe, Measom Project Manager, was onsite with a new supervisory team and operatives he had never worked with before due to the growth of the Measom business, we had to recruit new site managers to make the project successful. However, Del and the rest of the team worked well together to deliver a great final result for our customer.
We had design responsibility for all the partitions and ceilings to ensure the fire, acoustic and other performance criteria was met whilst ensuring the feasibility of the build and design intent of the architect. BIM modelling was also utilised on the project for clash detection to coordinate with other trades, streamlining the construction process and maximising productivity on site.
“Working with an all new team certainly had its challenges in the early stages of the project, as the new guys got to know each other and our procedures. We hit the ground running with the team, gelling very well and collaborating over the two buildings to deliver a quality project, and one that the team should be proud of”
Del Stowe, Measom Project Manager, speaking about the project